Delta is in Playtest!

So with the advent of the "new" edition of 5e from wotc, we are moving away from developing content for other people's platforms. We put a lot of work into Magic Sword for the 5e SRD and repeatedly, wotc went a different way.

We were really heartbroken after the fallout over publishing F.i.t.S., the original setting for the Delta system, we took a step back and made some decisions. It has been a rough journey, we are approaching a milestone and Delta is coming together as a cohesive system.

Our basic design is that there will be a Core System book, with the basics of character representation, die rolling mechanics, skills, progressions and challenge rolls. Each Setting Supplement or Expansion Booklet will add the environment and locales, the implementation of characters as represented in that world or setting and then include thematic system expansions based on those settings or themes. So to offer a basic rundown or projection of what we are thinking for Delta is:

BookletTheme/SettingExtrinsicSystems and StructureExtra Templates Pgs
Delta Core
neutral templates and structures{spirit]character sheets, dice rolling, cards, dice and tokens, basicsbasic templates16-20
Delta PhaseGothic Horror, "Darkmoor"SpellMonster Creation, how vice leads to evil, curses and monsters, simplified magic. Melee and Ranged CombatMonster Sheets,
Lair Sheets
Delta CourierMessengers, Delivery and CraftingWillItem Creation, Economy and trade rules, contracts and businessesBusiness Sheets,
Crafting Sheets
Delta TidePirates, the high seas and smugglingSpiritswashbuckling and dueling, pistols and blunderbusses', canons and cargo, manifests, ship to ship combatVessel or Ship Sheets, Crew Sheets24-32
Delta QuestHigh fantasy AdventureMagicemblems heraldry and crests, magic items, spellbooks and spellcraft, fantasy creatures and mythologiesSpell Templates, Spellbook Sheets32-48
Delta MarchArmies, Sieges and StrategyMoralelarge group combats, trench war, ambushes and skirmishes, sieges and siege engines, commandersArmy Sheets, Siege Engine Templates16-24
Delta SkyPost Apocalyptic survival vs the AILuckscavenging and reusing modern items, robots and vehiclesSettlement Sheets, Car Sheets,  Robot Templates16-32
Delta FrontierSix Guns and Saddles Guts or Grithistorical guns, grit and guts, daring deeds and trail survivalMount, Camp and Companion Sheets16-24
Delta MechPowered Armor and Hard Suits, MechaEdge or Psiarmor piloting skills, weapons and armors, mecha combat and abilities, physical world interactionsMecha Equipment Templates, Mech Sheets18-32
Delta SquadSuper Heroes and MutantsPowerPsionics, mutations, radiation beams, flying, super speed and impenetrable skin,  Squad Sheets, Rival Sheets, Power Templates24-32
Delta KhyberCybertech, Datajacks and the neon futureEdgeCyberware exceeds human levels; advanced firearms, cyberspace, flying cars and hoverboardsCyberware Templates, Cyberspace Templates25-35
Delta RuinHigh AdventureMysteryExploration of structures; hidden doors, puzzles, traps and cyphers, Great MysteriesCypher Sheets,  Mystery Sheets, Ruin Templates24-32
Delta ManiaPro Wrestling, Fighting Tournaments Ki or
Extended hand to hand combat rules for grappling, martial arts and fisticuffs.  signature specials  Maneuver Templates, Entourage Sheets12-24
Delta StarInterplanetary Space ExplorationWill or Psisci-fi space technology, rogue ships, abandoned way stations and uncharted planetsPlanet Sheets,
Station Templates

Scale of Extrinsic Elements:
 {Pure Realism} Luck, [Will/Guts/Grit], [Edge, Mystery], [Spirit/Ki], [Spell/Magic], Power {Fantastical Abilities}

So In Delta, there are the 4 primary attributes, and each of them can be renamed in each setting, however they represent the same things. The fourth, magical or psionic, ki or will, guts or edge, this mysterious fourth element is mutable across settings as some do not use much magic and others it is commonplace enough to simply be called 'spell'. As each of these is intended to be exchangeable, there is a scale or spectrum of magic to be utilized. As settings and systems tables and formulas are to interchangeable, this allows for more unique or unusual settings, such as psychic cowboys, space faring vampires and high-seas wrestling tournaments. Delta can create scenarios where pirates much face sea monsters from other worlds, as easily as cybernetically enhanced explorers of ancient civilizations. This modular design is the heart of Delta and we hope our passion will help others create a memorable and fun experience for everyone at the table. 

We have been playtesting weekly and should be releasing the core rules and one of the setting documents this spring!

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