A downloadable game

A rules-lite system for various settings and games. Delta uses a simple set of resolution mechanics that can be extended with different game aids. Emphasis is placed on narrative and “failing forward”. The game is played by a group of two or more players one of whom is a Narrator or Moderator, sometimes called a game master or GM. 

Delta is based on four basic attributes and is loosely tied to old school philosophies of personal improvement. Character generation is intentionally quick, and uses details such as “quirks” and “knacks” that define personal affinity for various actions. Delta uses a modular structure that allows players and GMs to use as much or as little of the rules as they want, and build their setting to fit the story or narrative of the game they want to tell through gameplay together. 

Combat and other challenge resolution is offered in a Fast or Simple Check, and Complex or Extended Check which offer two ways to determine conflicts, which can be used to represent the amount of interaction the character has with the world, or used to keep the narrative flowing and save complex rolls for major encounters. Delta is a very flexible system and offers a break from the common, and gives the world of imagination back to the players. 

Players roll dice which use a mechanic known as 'exploding successes' where when you roll certain numbers, you may roll that die again and add the value to your total. Players gain extra dice rolled for having equipment or training, and increase the die size by improving their equipment or situational influences like having the high ground. Players may also take their Fate into their own hands by playing Fate Cards that modify or add to the the dice rolled. Additionally, powerful Glyphs may be awarded by the GM that can alter the narrative itself, bringing back the dead, finding out a recently encountered NPC is a family member or shifting details of their backstory to align with the current arc of the story, players and GMs use these tools as they see fit together to control the outcome of the adventure.

Delta is designed and developed by a creator with over 45 years of tabletop roleplaying experience and countless hours of careful deliberation over the dice mechanics. Rigorous playtesting helps identify areas for improvement and further nuances of play. We hope you enjoy playing Delta as much as we do.

Narrative Driven, Exploration Focused, Roleplay Heavy, Dynamic Action

Development log